My Daughter welcomes you - say cheese! |

A Chipmunk at the view point


Pika gathering greens

Pika keeping a lookout

A little tree with wildflowers all around


Dead tree with a fascinating trunk

More wildflowers

Cousin it? No, more wildflowers

Bee on a wildflower

Bee closeup

A bee on a wildflower

A working bee still working

Another wildflower of sorts.

A flying bird

Chipmunk on a picnic table who found a treat

A Chipmunk

A Chipmunk with full jowels

Snow on the mountain side

Mount Rainier with wildflowers

My brother looking out from Sunrise Ridge

A Butterfly close-up

Green leaves

Beautiful Mountain

Mountain with wildflowers in the foreground

Chipmunk in the Wildflowers

Chipmunk on the alert

Loved this fallen tree trunk