Location of Photos

Pintxo's Restaurant in Seattle, Washington

Devil's Tower Photos 2011

rock climbers

Hikers on the side of the Tower. You would never catch us up there!

backside of the tower

A side of the Tower you almost never see. And you can see a prayer parcel on one of the trees left by a Native American who still believes this Tower is Sacred.

calling prairie dog

A Mom and child Prairie Dog that lives on the way to Devil's Tower. There were so many babies and many of the Moms let out alarm yells when a new car or person approached. I am unsure what they thought of this person who laid on the ground on her stomach to get many shots of the babies. But after a while they ignored your sister and went on to gathering food while the babies played.

baby prairie dogs

Here is another shot of Mom in the distance with two of the babies. They almost look like they are in the middle of a dance, don't they?

motorcycle dog

On the way to Cody, we saw this Motorcycle Dog. I can't believe they take this dog on the bike without some kind of safety apparatus for him.